Help Me Home Lyrics & Music by Colin McCrow © 1976 LeiEz Music, CCLI Song No. Not Listed, Source : Early Songs CCL 13216 Used by permission Verse 1 As I was walking through the streets one day, Some people passed me on a cart full of hay, I smiled at them as they slowly passed me by, Please Oh Lord, please help me try; Chorus Find my way back home, I've tried so hard my Lord, Please help me with Your holy word, Find my way back home, Please help me out my Lord. Verse 2 Tried so many times to get it through my head, How You died for me, how I won't be dead, Heaven is near, I know this yes I do, With Your help I know that I'll get through. Chorus 2 To my home up there, I've tried so hard my Lord, You've helped me through with Your word, To my home up there, You've helped me out my Lord.