Don't Know How Lyrics & Music by Colin McCrow © 1976 LeiEz Music, CCLI Song No. Not Listed, Source : Early Songs CCL 13216 Used by permission Verse 1 We don't know where we're goin', We don't know where to go, But without Jesus help, We won't know what to show. Verse 2 To help people around us, Find much fuller life, To help them get to Heaven, To help them out of strife. Chorus Oooh La da da da, Oooh La da da da, da da da. Verse 3 We don't know how to take this, Our lives fallin' apart. We can't see through our sins, Their so black and dark. Verse 4 We don't know if we'll be here, Much longer than we can; To help our brother from the strife, From the greed of man. Chorus Oooh La da da da, Oooh La da da da, da da da.